
Reaching your target audience is one of the key factors to the success of your event. The SCITEVENTS team includes experienced and goal driven professionals who can help you prepare and send Call for Papers, setup a website, manage social media profiles, communicate with the media and anything else it takes to make sure you reach exactly who you intend to reach.

Communication Plan - Based on your briefing, we will put together a communications plan for your event and define the communication channels you will have to use, the implementation timeline and the KPI for posterior evaluation of results.

Branding and Visual Identity - SCITEVENTS will assist you in creating a visual identity for your event which will then be streamlined across all communication materials, from your website to posters and flyers, from the official stationary to conference bags and materials.

Conference Website - SCITEVENTS can host, design and manage a search-engine optimized website for your event following your requirements, a commonly agreed content plan and your organization's corporate identity. Upon request, a Search-Engine Marketing strategy can also be planned and executed by SCITEVENTS.

Call for Papers - SCITEVENTS Can help you to prepare and send your Call for Papers to your mailing list or even assist you in narrowing down your target group and researching addressees and their contact details.

Calendar Sites and Mailing Lists - Our team will suggest a list of topic-appropriate calendar sites and mailings lists to enter your event in and proceed to do so after you have analyzed and approved them.

Social Media and Virtual Communities - No matter whether you prefer to work in closed communities programmed directly to suit your online networking needs or to use existing social media channels, SCITEVENTS can assist you in setting up and managing your online communities, identifying and creating shareable content and moderating the online dialogue.

Press Relations - Following the previously agreed communications plan SCITEVENTS will assist you with your conference's publicity and media relations and, if so wished, set up a press office to deal with media requests before, during and after the event.

Post-conference Communication - SCITEVENTS will work together with you in evaluating the success of your conference, setting up an online evaluation form to be completed by the event's attendees and measuring the results of the communication tools chosen. We will also set up online galleries and videos of the event at the conference website and assist you in writing conference reports for specialized media.

Further services - Check out how we can help you with the Event Logistics, the Event Communication and the Secretariat and Delegate Support.

I am since 1999 involved in the organisation of international conferences among which ICEIS, WEBIST and ICSOFT. We have always had a fruitful cooperation with INSTICC/ SCITEVENTS to the success of our scientific events. Working with SCITEVENTS is always a pleasure. They are incredibly professional and excellent to work with and their events really do a lot for the reputation of our school. We have been working with them since 2003 and are happy to announce that we will also be organizing several conferences together in 2013 (ICEIS, and 2014 (BIOSTEC,

Angers, France


To request a tailor-made proposal for your event or to suggest an event you would like to organize with our cooperation, please send us an email with a detailed description of your project and a contact detail we can contact you at.